Tuesday, 17 November 2020

Recreating our school in the time of Covid


Rotary Club of Kingston donates sanitization supplies 

Blog written by Hilary Sherlock with Formatting and note by Leslie Wan  

From Hilary Sherlock - Principal

We have been without our children at school for over 6 months. We closed down abruptly, and tried to sort our out own lives in order to find our way to school and the children in a different and scary reality. It became like school without its beating heart. Gradually we were able to respond in a number of ways. 

Home learning ways

Using previously received grant funds, and with the agreement of the donor (The Digicel Foundation), we were able to provide individualized activity kits to the children. Kits contained a variety of resources including some tablets, sensory material, early learning workbooks, paint etc. These were differentiated according to the individual child's needs. Instructions for use were included and in some cases individual physiotherapy exercise programs were suggested . 

Online support

Teachers and our physiotherapist remained in contact with parents/caregivers to give advice, encouragement and suggestions. Activity suggestions were also given using file sharing in Pinterest. We used our Facebook page to share general information on a variety of relevant topics. 


We did a distribution of games and art supplies donated by a friend of STEP to the children of Bethlehem (a Missionaries of the Poor home). We also did a distribution of groceries and household items to parents with money from the Digicel Foundation. We did a further distribution of groceries and household supplies to two students who have previously been assisted with transportation from a Diaspora group out of Dallas, Texas called Jamaica Yes. Jamaica Yes - thank you for allowing us to repurpose the amount as the school was no longer open for Covid reasons and the children could no longer attend. 

Changes for the future and during the time of Covid  

Ofcourse during this new era in the world, the school had to completely chart a new course for how to do an educational program in the middle of a pandemic. Our children are special for so many reasons besides their frailties or differences in abilities. It is not clear yet when our children will return to school but our teachers have returned to chart a new path in virtual learning for them. We have, and will continue to do, content for our own you tube channel. We do zoom and video chats and everything else we can think of to keep our children connected and moving forward whether it be in their personal homes or group homes, We did some you tube videos that involve reading, number work, and physiotherapy demonstrations for their parents and caregivers to do with them keeping them more flexible and stretched . It is a really joyous moment for the children and the teachers when they can manage to get students assembled virtually to have a lesson or just a "visit". They all just exude joy to be with the others they miss and enjoy. Quite frankly we miss being with the children and yet we do the best we can to make sure they have opportunity and connectivity. We summed it up in a bulletin board that Allison did for us that says we will try and "Take care of each other". 

We realized we had to make some changes to the school building and the garden to make it a safer space for everyone. We added additional sanitizing stations and additional sinks in the building for

washing hands and have some future projects planned for the garden, if it ever stops raining in Jamaica. 

Thank you      

Thank you to the Digicel Foundation, Carrier Air Conditioning, Jamaica Yes and The Rotary Club of Kingston (Sanitization supplies and disinfectant cleaners) and our friends of STEP. We are ever grateful you support us in the mission for our children and their families. Even in tough times you made sure we could "wheel and come again". The effort to build a supportive community around our school over the years was positively rewarded through tangible acts of kindness to our students and their families. We so appreciate our STEP Centre family - all of you! 

All of us feel that our responses were inadequate and are working towards developing a more fulsome multi-faceted approach including developing more virtual resources and parent training and caregivers. We know whom among our students require multiple interventions and close contact. Lack of direct participation and physical contact in a therapeutic program is a major parental concern and we acknowledge that, but we must do what is called for at present for the ultimate safety pf our teachers and precious students. 

Note from Leslie Wan     

Sorry for the delay in our updates, but life and school have been moving targets for all of us, as they have no doubt for you as well. We made plans and then re-made plans depending on changing Covid protocols and numbers. It is an uncertain and stressful time for EVERYONE but we truly wish you all the very best in peace and good health. We are on a mission for children to teach all people about the wonder of special needs children, you all are always on our minds. "Take care of each other"  is from all of us to all of you, wherever you may be. This pandemic has taught all of us that in the end, the world is a small interconnected place, despite it's size. 
