Sunday, 24 January 2016


Blessed are we that our bouquet of children is diverse. 
  Blog written by Leslie Wan
Obviously our students are different than the average school child in a classroom in Jamaica. It goes without saying that they are different in their abilities, and their accomplishments. On the other hand, by having such a rich diversity of student functionalities, our focus should be and is, a more individual student focused curriculum. Our children come from across Greater Kingston and St Andrew. As such, we do not have the issues that plague one certain community feeding over into the environment of our children. That is a blessing! When the children walk back through our door after school break, they are GENUINELY  happy to be back. Their lives are enriched in our school and we celebrate them back to where we teach them. I marvel regularly that our students LOVE TO COME TO SCHOOL! How many schools in Jamaica can say that?

That smile that says I love being in school.    
Here is an important tidbit of interest about us. For about 3 years now we have been a pilot school working with the Special Education Unit in the Ministry of Education to come up with a new curriculum for students with moderate to severe disabilities. It is expected (hoped) that beginning this year, teacher training will begin and the curriculum changes will be implemented for all schools dealing with special needs children. It has been important to us to participate in the pilot program to actually have a say and impart real life working knowledge of our parameters and constraints. With the passage of the Disabilities Act by Parliament last summer, we hope we will see progress for our children's future from both these arenas.

What does this tell you about us?.... While we are a school specifically focused on OUR children, our mission is and will continue to be, the rights and potentials of ALL children with special needs. Our scope is narrow on the inside and wide on the outside.  Our focused work outside our school doors is as important as our work inside the school. We are doing that because ALL CHILDREN DESERVE THAT. We do the best we can with the funds we have to make that happen. Your Community is as large as you make it! 


As usual we had a wonderful Christmas pageant and celebration for the children. It was a remarkable day and one in which we were so humbled to have so many angels and elves and Santa to make us appreciative and our children feel so loved and special. A special thanks goes out to some people who opened their hearts and gave of their time and their budgets to make our children's day blessed and bountiful. We are not usually so blessed but Christmas filled many hearts including ours.

Thank You to Mr. Audley Evans (AAA Financial Services) for a wonderful Christmas party with all the fixings for all the children and staff! Also for supplying us with some much needed shelving. Such a good sport, generous blessings and the children loved the apron...

Thank you to Santa's stand in, for an early appearance to STEP - Mr Stephen Curran. Patient to a fault and willing to take lots of photos with the children. The children's faces lit up as he arrived! 

 Thank you to Santa's elves who came with all kinds of wonderful treats they had collected for the children. It wasn't just what they gave, but their special bubbly selves as they shared their joy with our students. You gals are special. 
From ( Rt bottom picture)..Savannah Meeks, Kiersten Kerr, Asia Powell, Iyana Stewart-Gaynor, Erinn Heffes, Lauren Tomlinson

                                                    Further thanks to..........

1. Ms. Carmen Walker (an angel) who surprised us with all kinds of supplies that the school needs on a regular ongoing basis. Disinfectants and cleaning supplies, toiletries, etc. Our school demands and fulfills a clean and safe environment for the students which is so important for any child, and especially those who have immune deficiencies. 

2. Mr Gary "Butch" Hendrickson  for including us in his "Jamaican-made Christmas Expo" where we were able to sell our Christmas cards and books to support our yearly budget. 

3. Thank you to the American Women's Group, Canadian Women's Group, Synapse (Art and Music Showcase), Loshusan Supermarket and Trainfit Club for also allowing us space for our card sales at their meetings , events or locations. 

4. Our "Godmothers and Godfathers " - you know who you are! These are wonderful folks who bless us with their presence, support, talents in quiet anonymity but without whom we would be lost in spirit and reality.  
Each and everyone of you who supported us at Christmas including cards and books purchased etc. We began our semester with some of what we needed to make our school the special and wonderful place it is, and we are grateful. These thanks come from our staff and our children. Christmas was a celebration of love at STEP and all those who shared it with us and gave to us in all ways, we felt the love. Our children learned a lesson in being neighbors and charitable giving. We use all opportunities to explain kindness and gratefulness. Our school is much more than academics.   


  1. Thank you, Leslie. I so enjoy your blogs. Will forward to some Godmothers (and Godfathers) too

    1. Marlene we appreciate you so and thank you for loving our blogs while you support our children. We love our Godmothers and Godfathers all.


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